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Contour Fashion Illustration

Updated: Aug 24, 2020

Hey guys!  I just finished a new fashion illustration, but, this time, rather than just a regular runway snapshot, it incorporates the concept of contour(continuous) line using pen and ink and watercolor inspired by the works of artist Daniel Egneus.  The supplies I used were Strathmore watercolor paper, Winsor and Newton watercolor tubes, and a Uni-ball pen.

To begin with, I drew the outlines of the subjects using a continuous line for each thing.  The purpose of the contour line was to really explore how line follows form and how the line variation could show changes in weight and make different parts stand out.  Then, I finished by going in with watercolor and adding color to bring it all together.

Overall, this was a really fun and different piece to make and I hope to keep exploring and improving in the future.

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